Entries from 2008-10-22 to 1 day

AND Kamipro said "In Economic fundamentals,SENGOKU in much much bigger than DREAM"

and about "where is AKIYAMA in nest ring"kamipro said too "in economic power,SENGOKU is the biggest,DREAM is next it.(UFC has money,but AKIYAMA is not so populer in worldwide,UFC will not offer so big money,Iguess)"KAMIPRO recognize that S…

KAMIPRO prove that UFC is interested in AKIYAMA and They blame UFC"It is natural that You can not succeed in foreign country"

JAPANESE Major MMA magazine KAMIPRO's chief editor Jang SAITO said http://www.kamipro.com/blog/?id=1224505968 "In English sites,there are some article about AKIYAMA's UFC comig nagotiation. To say the truth,We also caught this information …

GENKI SUDO come back to MMA in NY EVE?

Today,latest kamipro is on sale.kamipro No.128 (エンターブレインムック)出版社/メーカー: エンターブレイン発売日: 2008/10/22メディア: ムック購入: 1人 クリック: 2回この商品を含むブログ (3件) を見るIn this article,anonimous writer said so.dial…