GENKI SUDO come back to MMA in NY EVE?

Today,latest kamipro is on sale.

kamipro No.128 (エンターブレインムック)

kamipro No.128 (エンターブレインムック)

In this article,anonimous writer said so.dialog,


"in 2007 NY eve,FUNAKI Masakatsu is come 2008,NY EVE,a bog legend MMA fighter will be back?"

"Oh,It is SUDO Genki,in other media,Genki himself said"If I come back,NY eve is the biggest impact.his comeback rumor begins from 2008 february,Some rumor said GEKI's guest commentator of DREAM is promotion for this X day""

"Atleast,TBS TVnetwork hope his come back.He has a popularity"