SAKURAI"mach"HAYATO "My next fight has been already decided,in 2007.but I can not announce it yet"

Tiday,SAKURAI fighted in Shootboxing ring,and won by fullmark decision.
opponent is MMA fighter too. Jani Lax(not correct spelling North Europeian fighter )

In dressing interview after fight.
SAKURAi said like this title
"in 2007".............Dynamite in Newyear eve? 12.29UFC? or "Next PRIDE(or DEEP)"in newyeareve plan?

また、今後の総合の試合について質問を受けたマッハは「年内? 次は決まっているけど、まだ発表してはいけないことなので」と、それ以上のことは語らず。「せっかく体を作ったんで、このままペースを落とさないでいけたら」

HERO'S in Korea 2007

maybe you know results.
Surprise is AKIYAMA Knocked Dennis Khan out by upper punch.This is upset.
He will take part in Dynamite! 2007 NYeve.

And Debut od M.Garcia is lose.
Garcia controlled game on side in 1R,but Opponent korean hit counter Knee against Garcia's ledge dive,Big cut and blood,He knocked Garicia out

Other them,good fight many happens in this event,Korean fighter grow and grow,maybe some fighter come to UFC in 2008 or majorleague baseball