Entries from 2008-01-01 to 1 year
ISHII Satoshi,Judo 2008 olympic gold medalist,bigstar in japan...Meet Dana White. Ishii became guest of UFC event. In this meeting, Dana suggest ISHII two plans(1)MMA training camp in Randy Couture Gym (2)ISHII become next TUF memberIn the…
http://www.doblog.com/weblog/myblog/16514/2624484#2624484 SANO"the fighting Blogger"Tetsuya,who is Josh-GENOME fightet, He TKO outlaw tough opponent by TKO. MAEDA estimate him,He become MVP!! Congratulation!!
The News "ISHII's targetis UFC" is annouced usual Tv news show and quality news paper...But the fighter hope UFC fight is not only ISHII.........But Also UNO Caol!!He says so in latest GONG Kakutougi This is now only announce.More informat…
http://www.fightopinion.com/ FIGHTOPINION has already reported it,let's read.In Japan,Pro-wrestling and MMA is kown as same category in usual society,in fact. pro-wrestling down is not positive but negative for MMA event.and,Noah's quality…
http://hochi.yomiuri.co.jp/battle/news/20081217-OHT1T00094.htm ISHII Satoshi himself hope contract with UFC, annnoumous commentator said"We stop negotiation to japan promotions" "We do not have a connection to UFC,but We will telephone to …
http://www.k-1.co.jp/report/20081215r.html "Lemmy was like actor" "Badr hari should have been lose by fall quickly" "In my MMA fight,I hope vs Sergey Kharitonov re-match"etc................IMO,In japan,K-1 make a story "Schilt have little …
MITSUOKA EIji vs The Russian who defeat GOMI SENGOKU announce that MITSUOKA Eiji vs Sergey Goriaev?(sorry I do not know his spelling.The Russian who defeat GOMI in SENGOKU) Although MITSUOKA lose KITAOKA by heelhold,He defeat J.hansen in s…
Famous MMA aeidotr,"Battle talk" chief editor TAKASU Motoichiro's Blog said SENGOKU will do press conference. ore pless release/ Although SENGOKU announce 7matchs,but it Will be 8matchs..........Last One match.....Yes,you know it !! TAKASU…
MAEDA AKIRA now produce THE OUTSIDER. this promotion's concept is "not only professional MMA technician but also street fight bad guy realfight"http://www.rings.co.jp/outsider4_vs5.html japanese tatoo"horimono" is art!! hahaIn this next ev…
Dynamite is ordinary TV network contents,So TV station TBS is not positive for PPV,but Finally Dynamite PPV is decided
in is official bloghttp://www.judo-saiko.com/01_blog/index07.html"The contract between DREAm and us is end in November.We nagociate about Dynamite!! fight,ButWe could not make contract.I am sorry. I do not know where is my next fight ring.…
this news is from famous blog OMASUKI FIGHT, http://omasuki.blog122.fc2.com/blog-entry-357.html and original news source is TOKYO SPORTS mobile site. TOKYO Sport is typical tabroid,but has many scoop history martialart and pro-wrestling wo…
As titile. In press conference.TANIGAWA said"Aristair hope it,but maybe this card is not done in NY eve. in Dynamite,We matchmake defferent cards " and He say "We start negociate to AKIYAMA.His card will be decided in next week" (IMO,I dou…
K-1 rule MUSASHI(japan K-1 fighter)vs Gegarl Musahsi K-1 rule KAWAJIRI "Crusher"Tatsuya vs TAKEDA Kozo(famous kickboxer)Are you interested in it? It is not so attractive for me,IMO
This blog had open comment corner.but sommertial comment was too much,We regret to say coment coerner is only the men who has hatena user ID. I pray we can communicate mutually by other measns
from his blog his essay is estimated very much http://blog.livedoor.jp/gono/archives/51521713.html(summary) "Vonus" Although japan UFC program was not on air, My introduce video before entrance on the house monitor does not have impose. no…
Big And interesiting news from "REAL BATTLETALK" MAGAZINE this is new magazine,cief editor is famous MMA journalist TAKASU Motoichiro.He interviews TAKAYA"evil fist"Hiroyuki.TAKAYA said#DREAM plans 16men tournament in feather weightclass.8…
K-1 announce K-1 final event's reserve fight. Melvin mannnoof vs Paul Srowinsky Choi Hong mang vs Ray SefoPress asked TANIGAWA "Where is Schilt?" TANIGAWA answer "We will matchmake MMAfight in NY eve" And He said "This is Semmy's will,he c…
Hello,everyone. now,japan's MMA foucus is 2008 NY eve event,and Judo gold medalist ISHII Satoshi now And Please let me introduce IDA Hideto,He is famous MMA journalist,MMA site "BOUTREVIEW"chief editor and agent of ROger Gracie in Japan.Hi…
This is all Q & A ISHII's MMA challenge press conferencekamipro.comhttp://www.kamipro.com/news/?id=1225722525 I guess tha this summary has been already translated by some mediaIf there is no translation article, I will help you, at first,p…
You can read Live report there http://www.japan-mma.com/2008/11/111-sengoku-6-live-results.html Result is like thjs link/Big Topics King Mo become real deal He pound Fabio Silva out.Debut fight is not beginner's luck.And Japanese likes his…
very famous and popular sports newspaper SPONICHI's frontapage article. They said "Ishii Satoshi reject to become company Judo club fighte after graduation.They said to company in 25th officially" http://www.sponichi.co.jp/battle/news/2008…
11.3 is Meiji TENNO(Present TENNO's Grand father's father,in his period,Japan succeeded modernization,This is called "MEIJI ISHIN(Meiji restration).and He won three civil wars and two big international Wars")birthday,holiday. In Yesterday …
Maybe first news is from USA,but GONG kakutougi also said "Strikeforce presidens commentes "We nagotiate K-1 about Josh Tomson vs UNO caol in 11,21". UNO Caol answer Please ask our president KUBO,but I also hear this rumor,haha"GONG(ゴング…
Kinjo(present)TENNO HEIKA(majesty) asked ISHII "Do you try next olmpic gold medal"ISHII ANSWER "NO SIR!!"TENNO HEIKA said "I hope you succeed in next road" TENNO order ISHII to defeat E.Feodr!! In japan, Declare in front of MIKADO,this bec…
http://kakutoh.com/pc/news/shosai.php?id=2822 in 11,16 "JWELL"promotion start. This prmotion get tourch from SMACKGIRL promotion, SMACK was the oldest and only one women MMA promotion.But They can not continue finally,all business gave JWE…
and about "where is AKIYAMA in nest ring"kamipro said too "in economic power,SENGOKU is the biggest,DREAM is next it.(UFC has money,but AKIYAMA is not so populer in worldwide,UFC will not offer so big money,Iguess)"KAMIPRO recognize that S…
JAPANESE Major MMA magazine KAMIPRO's chief editor Jang SAITO said http://www.kamipro.com/blog/?id=1224505968 "In English sites,there are some article about AKIYAMA's UFC comig nagotiation. To say the truth,We also caught this information …
Today,latest kamipro is on sale.kamipro No.128 (エンターブレインムック)出版社/メーカー: エンターブレイン発売日: 2008/10/22メディア: ムック購入: 1人 クリック: 2回この商品を含むブログ (3件) を見るIn this article,anonimous writer said so.dial…
ENSON INOUE is arrested reason is having marifana 16.9g He said"My friend gave me marifana a month ago. i use it two or therr times in a month" NEWS MOVIE http://www.fnn-news.com/news/headlines/articles/CONN00142699.html http://sankei.jp.m…