Entries from 2008-10-25 to 1 day

Some media guess that ISHII confirm MMA challenge in November 3th?

11.3 is Meiji TENNO(Present TENNO's Grand father's father,in his period,Japan succeeded modernization,This is called "MEIJI ISHIN(Meiji restration).and He won three civil wars and two big international Wars")birthday,holiday. In Yesterday …

Josh Thomson vs UNO Caol?

Maybe first news is from USA,but GONG kakutougi also said "Strikeforce presidens commentes "We nagotiate K-1 about Josh Tomson vs UNO caol in 11,21". UNO Caol answer Please ask our president KUBO,but I also hear this rumor,haha"GONG(ゴング…