Entries from 2007-06-02 to 1 day

Legend Kenpo MANGA"HOKUTO NO KEN"original story in Street

In Tokyo SHIBUYA town,Legend Kenpo manga "HOKUTO No Ken"otriginal story is display. This is commertial of HONDA.Only the men visit Shibuya can see it. http://www.shibukei.com/headline/photo/4358/index.htmlhttp://www.shibukei.com/headline/4…

Some japanese and Korean politician lobiing about Choi Hong mang?

http://sportsnavi.yahoo.co.jp/fight/other/column/200706/at00013417.html Choi Hon man is out by Carifornia Athletic commission.But they Appeal that Choi is no problem. They want to do damage control,Because If This decision become common se…