MARS Result Winner is Spanish Daniel Tabera/he will be new star.TAKAMORI Keigo lose, by KOKANEHARA Hiromitsu was Submittes by Brazillian.refree stop,but KANEHARA insisted th…

today,"MARS" in RYOGOKU This promotion has a aliance to Bodog FIGHT

This is counter paet of MFC in japan, in this event,KANEHARA Hiromotsu,TAKAMORI Keigo,NOJI Ryuta fight therethey are freefighter from PRIDE and K-1.Especially,NOJI has a goodopotential, heavy striker,USA should look at him

"bodog FIGHT"matchmaker said"We discover weakpoint about PRIDE-Fedor contract "

In latest GONG kakutougi,The two men who came to japan For look at"MARS"event.They are MIGUEL LTURRATE and ERIC NICHOLL. Interviewer asked Miguel about E.Fedor "Can he fight in MFC event in 2007,RUssia PPV?" Miguel said"Well,Fedor had a co…