Forrest Griffin compared UFC with PRIDE

Q:PRIDE fighters often said"PRIDEfighter is the strongest inthe world.What do you think of such a opinion"

Griffin "of course,OBJECTION!!"

And His result(weigtclkass name is UFC's)

Lightheavy weightclass...UFC exceed PRIDE
Middle weightclass.....Same level
Wilter weightclass.....UFC is much much better than PRIDE
Light weightclass.......Same level
Heavy weightclass........this is exception

Japanese original article


グリフィン 当然ながら賛成できないね。ヘビー級は別にして、俺のいるライトヘビー級はPRIDEミドル級に優るし、ミドル級は同じレベルだし、ウェルター級ならUFCのほうがずっと上だ。(略)あとライト級はだいたい同じレベルだね。