The Bigest JPN BBS(include MMA forum)"2 channel"will be end?

The most famous BBS"2channel"has a crisis now.It have something to do with MMA world

I wll explain what this site is.
there are many many site in internet.but 2ch has a power in japan?
Why? usual site use handle name or real name.
But 2ch's standard is all"Mr.anonimous" they write with this name.
And Webmaster is not friendly to police and a court,So IP sercret is guarded more than other site.

So,this BBS has many many dirty word and prejudes.but many many sercret information and backstage report too.
And they make a culture in this BBS,good irony. critic......
and scale melit is very very big too.tne Most fans come there,informations come there too.

AKIYAMA vs SAKURABA scandal gegan from 2ch too.
This site has" Marital art board""traditonal BUDO board"too

If 2ch is end,japan MMA world( about internet),will lost core

Japanese original article

2ちゃんねる」閉鎖か 仮差し押さえ請求、再来週にも強制執行
16:38 この記事についてのブログ(33)

 ネット界激震!! 賠償命令を無視し続けてきた日本最大の掲示板「2ちゃんねる」(2ch)の管理人、西村博之氏(30)の全財産が仮差し押さえされることが12日、分かった。債権者が東京地裁に申し立てたもので、対象となるのは西村氏の銀行口座、軽自動車、パソコン、さらにネット上の住所にあたる2chのドメイン「」にまで及ぶ見込み。執行されれば掲示板の機能が一時停止するのは必至だ。




