Sergey Kharitonov fight in HERO'S.He belong to not GoldenGlory but Volk Khan gym!!

Today,K-1 announce that Sergey kharitonov vs Aristair Overeem
Sergey is best 4 fighter in 2004 PRIDE heavy-GP.Aristair is 2004 PRIDE middle-GP.
these two fighter fight in 2006,Aristair won,Sergey injury his shoulder.

Maybe You have already known This rumor.
( reported it too)
But It is one more surprise.
many media and blog said Sergey belong to holland Golden Glory.
But in today press conference,K-1 announce that Segey belong to "Volk Khan Gym"!
(although Sergey visit Golden Glory,it is only a guest for training )

Volk Khan........He is legend for japanese MMA fan,
His main Carrer is technical professional wrestling.but his base is real sambo thechnic.
He fight from 2000-2002,Real MMA game,too (it is rings KOK rule).
He defeat Brandon lee hinkle, Hoffman,And He face minotauro Noguiera too
Noguiera defeat him by decision,But in this 2000 tournament,tha man who noguira can not submit is only Volk khan.

In his pro-wrestling carrer,he is the strongest rival of MAEDA Akira HERO'S super viser.
this is a great scene their shakehands in 9.17 HERO'S.

japanese oroginal article

ハリトーノフは言わずと知れた元PRIDEトップファイターの一人だが、現在はリングス・ロシア内にあのヴォルク・ハンが新たに作ったチーム“CLUB VOLK HAN”に所属。PRIDEとの契約も終了し、何と立ち技・K-1への挑戦も視野に入れて、HERO'S参戦を決めたという。当日、イリューヒン・ミーシャと共にセコンドにつくというハンからは「ミスターマエダの要請を受け、うちのチームからまずはハリトーノフを送り込みます。いずれはHERO'Sをロシア勢が支配します」というビデオメッセージが送られてきた。

