"Japan MMA ASSOCIATION? who?".....SAEKI Denied special connction to WVR movement

SAEKI DEEP president said

"by the way,JAPAN MMA association did press conference yesterday.
I do not know Who they are.I ask other people on MMAbusiness,noone knows them.
Does this association have nothing to do with independent promotion like us? if it is true,...OK,OK,no problem
This is my personal opinion.making association is very good ,I agree
(gryphon says,in WVR press conferenc,they announced that they make japan MMA associaton ,commision,and WVR promotion and separate them. association and commision is not promotion)

but I do not know What they wanto do.And there is no people who has carrier of MMAbusiness in this association


united rule? it is maybe impossible,defference of rules are promotion's feature and color.All same rule make MMAworld boring,and rich promotion take all.
Result,this movement have nothing to do with independent promotion like us"

This blog is surprise for me too.
i expect WVR movement is actual "second PRIDE".
So PRIDE core member and keyperson SAEKI know this movement from start,and he help WVR for life.

But SAEKI is very cool and did not know anything about WVR?

what does this blog means.........i do not know

japanese original article

Filed under: — Sigeru Saeki @ 18:27:06