GENKI SUDO come back to MMA in NY EVE?

Today,latest kamipro is on sale.

kamipro No.128 (エンターブレインムック)

kamipro No.128 (エンターブレインムック)

In this article,anonimous writer said so.dialog,


"in 2007 NY eve,FUNAKI Masakatsu is come 2008,NY EVE,a bog legend MMA fighter will be back?"

"Oh,It is SUDO Genki,in other media,Genki himself said"If I come back,NY eve is the biggest impact.his comeback rumor begins from 2008 february,Some rumor said GEKI's guest commentator of DREAM is promotion for this X day""

"Atleast,TBS TVnetwork hope his come back.He has a popularity"

KAMIPRO prove that UFC is interested in AKIYAMA and They blame UFC"It is natural that You can not succeed in foreign country"

JAPANESE Major MMA magazine KAMIPRO's chief editor Jang SAITO said

"In English sites,there are some article about AKIYAMA's UFC comig nagotiation.
To say the truth,We also caught this information sore some months ago,
because,UFC side asked us to teach AKIYAMA's management address,haha!!
]yes,KAMIPRO often talk about AKIYAMA Yoshiriro,but,We said"SATAN""BLACK EVIL","litle badguy","Don't escape!!",AKIYAMA doed not accept our intervier offer.We hope not KAMIPRO introduce AKIYAMA to UFC,but UFC introduce him to us,hahaha

Anyway,as long as UFC force everyone to obey "MY RULE",absolutly many troubles happen in any nations,It is natural that UFC can not succeed in foreign country"


確かにウチは宇宙で一番、秋山成勲にページを割いてきた。でも、あまりに「魔王」だの「黒」だの「小悪党」だの「逃げるな!」だのと書きまくるから、インタビュー取材を受けてもらえない。こっちが逆に秋山を紹介してほしいくらいだよ! それにしても、UFCがこういう“俺様ルール”な方法を取っているかぎり、絶対にその土地土地でトラブルになるだろうし、やっぱり海外戦略がうまくいってないはずだよなあ……。

AND Kamipro said "In Economic fundamentals,SENGOKU in much much bigger than DREAM"

and about "where is AKIYAMA in nest ring"kamipro said too
"in economic power,SENGOKU is the biggest,DREAM is next it.(UFC has money,but AKIYAMA is not so populer in worldwide,UFC will not offer so big money,Iguess)"

KAMIPRO recognize that SENGOKU prefer DREAM in economic fundmentals.This is scoop
